National Household Survey 2011: Ontario making progress fighting poverty

National Household Survey 2011: Ontario making progress fighting poverty Ontario rates of low-income suggest provincial efforts to reduce poverty are paying off. Laurie Monsebraaten Sep 11 2013 Dawnmarie Harriott was on welfare and living in a downtown Toronto rooming house… Continue Reading

Porter: Linda Chamberlain’s job was making her broke

CATHERINE PORTER Nov 19 2010 Linda Chamberlain left her dream job because it was making her broke. She’s richer earning nothing, living in her subsidized apartment and getting monthly disability cheques from the government — $260 a month richer. When… Continue Reading

Welfare reform creeps at snail’s pace

Laurie Monsebraaten Nov 30 2009 Bronwen Sims calls it Ontario’s “work disincentive program.” The 35-year-old woman, who suffers from bipolar disorder and fibromyalgia, has been living in poverty on Ontario’s disability support program for the past 10 years while doctors… Continue Reading